If you are new to yoga, here are a few tips to keep in mind before you start:
Yoga is best practiced on an empty stomach. Because your body will frequently be in an inverted (upside down position), it’s best to wait to practice at least an hour or two after any meal.
Because of the inverted positions, consider wearing a “skin layer,” a fitted top that won’t billow when going upside down. Otherwise loose fitting, comfortable clothes are recommended. Yoga is practiced in bare feet, without shoes and socks (unless there is a medical reason.)
Yoga mats and sanitary wipes will be provided at most classes, however having your own mat is optimal. Yoga mats are different from “exercise” mats in that they are firm (not squishy), to support balancing postures and are mostly designed as a non-slip surface to facilitate standing postures.
Yoga props such as blocks, straps, blankets and chairs are provided at many of the classes. Your instructor should be able to guide you to the usage of props, but in general a strap is helpful if you are on the floor and your flexibility is limited when attempting a forward bend, a block is helpful in some standing postures to aid you in reaching the floor.
Listen to your body! While you are going to be in a class under the guidance of a skilled teacher, no one knows your own body the way you do. If an instructor is asking you to do something that you feel doesn’t suit you, please honor what feels right for you above all else.