Latest Past Classes

Power Vinyasa

Virtual Contact Organizer for Details

Vinyasa is a style of yoga that flows from pose to pose, fueled by the breath. In this 60 minute class, prepare to drop into your body through movement; connect with your breath; and build strength, mobility, and resilience on and off the mat. Come to class as you are, leave feeling a little lighter […]

Kundalini Yoga for Mental Health

Virtual Contact Organizer for Details

A fusion of Kundalini Yoga, Meditation and Psychology based on three key principles – Education, Experience, and Evolution. An integrative approach in empowering your understanding of the mind-body connection, in turn supporting your mental wellbeing, and personal growth. We’ll explore the relationship between physiology and our mental health, gain a deeper understanding of the neurobiology of our […]

Spring Blossom Yoga

URC Fishbowl 835 W 34th St., Los Angeles

Wednesdays at 12pm in the URC Fishbowl Classes will focus on physical fitness and health. This class will also focus on connecting to our center and finding peace through meditation-in-movement. This practice helps us bring good energy physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. *NO RSVP required*