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Kundalini Yoga for Mental Health

Virtual Contact Organizer for Details

A fusion of Kundalini Yoga, Meditation and Psychology based on three key principles – Education, Experience, and Evolution. An integrative approach in empowering your understanding of the mind-body connection, in turn supporting your mental wellbeing, and personal growth. We’ll explore the relationship between physiology and our mental health, gain a deeper understanding of the neurobiology of our […]

Kundalini Yoga for Mental Health

Virtual Contact Organizer for Details

A fusion of Kundalini Yoga, Meditation and Psychology based on three key principles – Education, Experience, and Evolution. An integrative approach in empowering your understanding of the mind-body connection, in turn supporting your mental wellbeing, and personal growth. We’ll explore the relationship between physiology and our mental health, gain a deeper understanding of the neurobiology of our […]

Kundalini Yoga for Mental Health

Virtual Contact Organizer for Details

A fusion of Kundalini Yoga, Meditation and Psychology based on three key principles – Education, Experience, and Evolution. An integrative approach in empowering your understanding of the mind-body connection, in turn supporting your mental wellbeing, and personal growth. We’ll explore the relationship between physiology and our mental health, gain a deeper understanding of the neurobiology of our […]