Yoga resources for USC and the community
An event every week that begins at 7:00 pm on Wednesday, repeating until December 15, 2021
Sri Sri yoga, as inspired by Gurudev Sri Sri Ravishankar, is a subtle, multidimensional, and powerful discipline tied to Hatha yoga practices. ‘Ha’ means the Sun and ‘Tha’ means the Moon. We are made up of both Sun and Moon aspects, and yoga helps to achieve balance between all sides, utilizing body, mind, and breath awareness. This practice brings together breathing techniques (pranayama), yoga postures (asanas), philosophy, and guided meditation. Many mainstream classes dilute the core essence of yoga and its many benefits.
Sri Sri-Hatha yoga, however, is different, focusing on holistic yoga principles that can be applied beyond the mat. This practice is accessible, non judgemental, and for individuals of all levels of experience. Accommodations and variations will be provided to ensure a smooth, peaceful, and fulfilling journey for everyone. Props such as a strap and blocks are optional, but recommended. You’ll find your own comfortable edge of stretch and strength to suit your unique needs. This yoga will meet you just as you are.
I invite you to join me for evenings of dynamic exercises, relaxation, calming mind chatter, deep self-awareness, and the celebration of ancient tradition.